There are 2 types of Laws of finance:

*1} LAW OF POVERTY:* This law states that work alone or work under someone and remain poor for the rest of your life. 95% of people in the world are living under this law. The people under this law make use of their credentials, they have ego, they seek for job, they have someone called boss, they receive salary which is fixed amount.

S= Small
A= Amount
L= Limiting
A= And
R= Restricting
Y= You

These people are called the working class. They always look for job.

J= Just
O= Over
B= Broke

*2} LAW OF WEALTH:* This law states that work with a team or group of people and remain wealthy forever, it is just 5% of people in the world that are living under this law. The people under this law make use of their potentials, and they are called the thinking class, they think of what to offer to the society and in turn make money. These people they earn their money which is income and it is not a fixed amount. These people are called the thinking class.

_The difference between these laws is that the people under the_ *LAW OF POVERTY* _don’t make use of opportunity.. why those under the_ *LAW OF WEALTH* _make use of any opportunity that comes their way. The wealthy ones make use of *ID Number* and also *Partnership,* they have what is called big dreams but the poor don’t have._


Money does not respond to qualifications
Otherwise the wealthiest people should have been *Ph.D holders.*

Money does not respond to age Otherwise the world’s oldest twins would have been the *richest.*

‍ It is not about your *degree*
It is all about what you do after the *degree.*

‍Have you noticed that the 1st class degree holders are not the *Richest*
Neither are the *3rd class degree holders the poorest.*
There is more to being wealthy than education.

The most important thing is *Mindset* πŸ‘Œ and the next thing is a *Commitment to self DISCIPLINE.*

The only person holding your key to success is *YOU.*

The secrets to success is for you to be willing to pay the price but the challenge is that very few are ready and willing to pay the price to succeed.

While some are partying and gisting, others are learning, planning and earning.

Don’t sit down and complain about where you are, it won’t change anything.

If you must see changes, the person that must change should be *You*

Be assured… *YOU HAVE ALL IT TAKES To Succeed, * learn to invest the little you have and get a mentor to teach you how to grow your ideas. #MINDSET πŸ—£οΈπŸ†•πŸ†’πŸ†“

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